PhD Thesis
Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, “Self-Management for Large-Scale Distributed Systems,” Ph.D. dissertation, KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2012.
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
- V. Vlassov, A. Al-Shishtawy, P. Brand, and N. Parlavantzas, “Niche: A Platform for Self-Managing Distributed
Applications,” in Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking: Specification, Development,
and Verification, P. Cong-Vinh, Ed. IGI Global, 2012, ch. 10, pp. 241-293.
- A. Al-Shishtawy, J. Höglund, K. Popov, N. Parlavantzas, V. Vlassov, and P. Brand, “Enabling Self-Management of
Component Based Distributed Applications,” in From Grids to Service and Pervasive Computing (T. Priol and M.
Vanneschi, eds.), pp. 163–174, Springer US, July 2008.
- P. Brand, J. Höglund, K. Popov, N. de Palma, F. Boyer, N. Parlavantzas, V. Vlassov, and A. Al-Shishtawy, “The Role
of Overlay Services in a Self-Managing Framework for Dynamic Virtual Organizations,” in Making Grids Work (M.
Danelutto, P. Fragopoulou, and V. Getov, eds.), pp. 153–164, Springer US, 2007.
Peer Reviewed Papers
- Zainab Abbas, Jon Reginbald Ivarsson, Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, and Vladimir Vlassov,
“Scaling Deep Learning Models for Large Spatial Time-Series Forecasting,”
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 9-12, 2019.
- Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, Juhee Bae, Mohamed-Rafik Bouguelia, Göran Falkman, Sarunas Girdzijauskas, Olof Gönerup, Anders Holst, Alexander Karlsson, Slawomir Nowaczyk, Sepideh Pashami, Alan Said, Amira A. Soliman El Hosary,
“Eliciting Structures in Data,” ACM IUI Intelligent User Interfaces Workshops, Los Angeles, USA, March 20, 2019.
- Zainab Abbas, Thorsteinn Thorri Sigurdsson, Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, and Vladimir Vlassov,
“Evaluation of the Use of Streaming Graph Processing Algorithms for Road Congestion Detection,”
The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2018), Melbourne, Australia, December 11-13, 2018.
- Zainab Abbas, Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, Sarunas Girdzijauskas, and Vladimir Vlassov,
“Short-Term Traffic Prediction Using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks,”
2018 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress), San Francisco, CA, USA, July 2-7, 2018, pp. 57-65.
- H. P. Sajjad, K. Danniswara, A. Al-Shishtawy and V. Vlassov, “SpanEdge: Towards Unifying Stream Processing over
Central and Near-the-Edge Data Centers,” IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), Washington, DC, 2016,
pp. 168-178.
- Y. Liu, D. Gureya, A. Al-Shishtawy and V. Vlassov, “OnlineElastMan: Self-Trained Proactive Elasticity Manager for
Cloud-Based Storage Services,” IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), Augsburg,
2016, pp. 50-59.
- K. Danniswara, H.P. Sajjad, A. Al-Shishtawy, V. Vlassov, “Stream Processing in Community Network Clouds,” 3rd
International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud2015), Rome, Italy, 2015.
- Y. Liu, V. Xhagjika, V. Vlassov, and A. Al Shishtawy, “BWMan: Bandwidth Manager for Elastic Services in the
Cloud,” in IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA16), Milan,
Italy, Aug 2014.
- A. Al-Shishtawy and V. Vlassov, “ElastMan: Elasticity Manager for Elastic Key-Value Stores in the Cloud,” in
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Cloud and Autonomic Computing Conference , CAC ’13, pp. 7:1–7:10, Miami, Florida, USA,
- A. Al-Shishtawy and V. Vlassov, “ElastMan: Autonomic Elasticity Manager for Cloud-Based Key-Value Stores,” in
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on High-performance Parallel and Distributed Computing , HPDC ’13, pp.
115–116, New York, NY, USA, 2013.
- A. Arman, A. Al-Shishtawy, and V. Vlassov, “Elasticity Controller for Cloud-Based Key-Value Stores,” in
Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2012 IEEE 18th International Conference on, pp. 268–275, Singapore, Dec
- M. A. Moulavi, A. Al-Shishtawy, and V. Vlassov, “State-Space Feedback Control for Elastic Distributed Storage in a
Cloud Environment,” in The Eighth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems ICAS 2012, St.
Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, March 2012, pp. 18-27. (Best Paper Award)
- A. Al-Shishtawy, T. J. Khan, and V. Vlassov, “Robust Fault-Tolerant Majority-Based Key-Value Store Supporting
Multiple Consistency Levels,” in IEEE 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS),
Tainan, Taiwan, December 2011, pp. 589-596.
- A. Al-Shishtawy, M. A. Fayyaz, K. Popov, and V. Vlassov, “Achieving Robust Self-Management for Large-Scale
Distributed Applications,” in 4th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems SASO10,
October 2010, pp. 31-40.
- A. Al-Shishtawy, V. Vlassov, P. Brand, and S. Haridi, “A Design Methodology for Self-Management in Distributed
Environments,” in IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE ’09, vol. 1,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 430–436, August 2009.
- L. Bao, A. Al-Shishtawy, and V. Vlassov, “Policy Based Self-Management in Distributed Environments,” in Third IEEE
International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops SASOW 2009, San Francisco, California,
September 2009.
- K. Popov, J. Höglund, A. Al-Shishtawy, N. Parlavantzas, P. Brand, and V. Vlassov, “Design of a Self-* Application
Using P2P-Based Management Infrastructure,” in Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop 2008. CGIW’08. (S.
Gorlatch, P. Fragopoulou, and T. Priol, eds.), COREGrid, (Crete, GR), pp. 467–479, Crete University Press, April 2008.
- A. Al-Shishtawy, J. Höglund, K. Popov, N. Parlavantzas, V. Vlassov, and P. Brand, “Distributed Control Loop Patterns
for Managing Distributed Applications,” in Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing
Systems Workshops (SASOW 2008), Venice, Italy, pp. 260–265, Oct. 2008.
- A. Al-Shishtawy, I. Taha, M. Abdel-Wahab, and M. Tolba, “Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Computational
Grids,” in Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems ICICIS2005, Cairo,
Egypt, March 2005.
- A. Al-Shishtawy, I. Taha, M. Abdel-Wahab, and M. Tolba, “A Secure Grid Enabled Signature Verification System,” in
Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems ICICIS2005, Cairo, Egypt, March 2005.
- A. Al-Shishtawy, I. Taha, M. Abdel-Wahab, and M. Tolba, “GIDA: Toward Enabling Grid Intrusion Detection Systems,”
in Cluster Computing and Grid CCGrid2005, WiP Session, Cardiff, UK, May 2005.
- A. Al-Shishtawy, I. Taha, and M. Tolba, “An Intrusion Detection Architecture for Computational Grids,” in First
International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems ICICIS2002, Cairo, Egypt, June 2002.
Other Publications
- A.Al-shishtawy, “Self-Management for Large Scale Distributed Systems,” The 5th EuroSys Doctoral Workshop (EuroDW
2011), Salzburg, Austria, April 2011.
- A. Al-Shishtawy, M. A. Fayyaz, K. Popov, and V. Vlassov, “Achieving Robust Self-Management for Large-Scale
Distributed Applications,” SICS Technical Report T2010:02, 2010.
- A. Anbar, A. Al-Shishtawy, M. Al-Shandawely, T. Mostafa, A. Bolbol, A. Hammad, S. Sunoallah, J. Everett, and K.
Özgüven, “Applying Pedagogical Concepts in Online Course Development: Experiences from the Mediterranean Virtual
University,” Technical Report, 2006.